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International Student / Postdoc Job Search Discussion

December 9, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

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The International Students/Postdocs Job Search Virtual Chat is designed to get international students/postdocs who are seeking for jobs together to talk about questions and concerns that all share, and strategize about how to move forward. During this session, we will first have a brief introduction of all the career and immigration staff present, and then open it up for all participants to ask questions and have a facilitated discussion. 

Our experts in careers and/or immigration include: 

  • Denise DiRienzo, Experiential Program Director for Careers Beyond Academia
  • Christine Holmes, Director of Postdoctoral Studies
  • Colleen McLinn, Executive Director for Future Faculty and Academic Careers
  • Elizabeth Shedd, Senior Immigration Advisor, Office of Global Learning
  • Susi Varvayanis, Executive Director of Careers Beyond Academia
  • Caleb Yu, Graduate and International Student Career Advisor
Accommodations: We strive to make our events accessible to all community members. Individuals who would like to request accessibility accommodations should contact ry274@cornell.edu. We ask that requests be made at least four days in advance to help ensure they can be met.
Meets by Zoom (link to be sent when registered)