CIRTL Courses

Students at a symposium

Graduate courses and seminars from the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network allow you to interact with faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students from 45 research universities. All participants who successfully complete course activities and assignments will receive a letter of completion.

Online Courses

Summer 2024 Courses

Change Leadership for Inclusive Teaching and Learning

This intensive, 10-session 5-week online course aims to strengthen undergraduate STEM education by preparing graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and early career-faculty to be change agents in their roles in higher education. Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00-3:30 pm ET between June 11-July 18. Cap: 40. Apply by May 20.

First Year Faculty Teaching Academy

This intensive, 6-session 3-week online course is designed for future faculty and early career faculty in their first years of teaching interested in learning how to create a great learning experience for your students while developing a solid foundation of best teaching practices and strategies. Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 am ET between June 4-20. Cap: 65; register starting May 13.

Summer 2024 CIRTL Network Programming Preview (also includes events, workshops and summer institutes)

Spring 2024 Courses

Mindset to Mastery: The Inclusive Teaching Course

Examine your own identities, values, and experiences to cultivate an inclusive mindset that informs your teaching practices in this 8-week online course. Meets Tuesdays from March 5 to April 23 at 1-2:30pm ET. Registration opens January 29 and closes when capacity is reached. Cap: 25.

Advancing Learning through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching

Learn about effective teaching strategies and the research that supports them, including active learning and flipped classroom approaches, in this eight week massive open online course through EdX with asynchronous modules and weekly discussion and assignments. January 29-March 24.

Research Mentor Training

Develop and improve your research mentoring skills in this 5-week online seminar-style course. Develop and articulate a personal mentoring philosophy and refine strategies for dealing with mentoring challenges. Meets Wednesdays from February 21 to March 27 at 2-3:30pm ET. Registration opens January 8 and closes when capacity is reached. Cap: 20.

See also: Cornell’s local Building Mentorship Skills for Academic Careers program.

Building Neuroinclusive Learning Environments: Best Practices to Support and Empower Neurodiverse Learners in STEM

Learn neurodiversity basics, explore accessible approaches to teaching and learning, and revise a specific component of your own teaching in this 4-week online short course. Meets Thursdays from February 15 to March 7 at 12-1:30pm ET. Registration opens January 8 and closes when capacity is reached. Cap: 25.

Spring 2024 CIRTL Network Programming Preview (also includes events, workshops and summer institutes)

Fall 2023 Courses

Postdoc Teaching Practicum

Work with an experienced instructor in your discipline to enhance your understanding and experience of teaching a university course in this 5-month mentorship program that blends monthly synchronous sessions with intensive independent and mentor-driven work. Thursdays, Dec. 7 – April 4.


Optional local credit is available for some online CIRTL courses upon request, through a graduate individual study course number at the participant’s home institution. Cornell graduate students or postdocs interested in enrolling for independent study credit should contact Dr. Colleen McLinn at as early as possible, but no later than the second week of the corresponding Cornell semester.

See Also: