NCFDD Webinar: How to Craft and Submit a Winning Book Proposal in 4 Weeks
April 9, 2019 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
- This event has passed.

As you make plans to engage in future faculty development programming this semester, please make sure to check out the set of upcoming webinars being offered by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). To access these webinars, first activate your free, Cornell-sponsored NCFDD membership via the following link: https://www.facultydiversity.org/institutions/cornell-university
Session Description:
You may have a completed dissertation, a few rough book chapters, or even journal articles you’d like to transform into a coherent book project—but where do you start? The path to getting your book published begins with a good proposal. In this multi-week course, you will be guided through a step-by-step process to complete your book proposal within four weeks, learn how to translate your research projects for a broader market, and receive invaluable advice about how to approach acquisition editors at academic presses.
What faculty members are saying about this course:
“Last summer I participated in Badia’s multi-week course on writing book proposals. This week, I am negotiating with two university presses, each of which offered a contract to my co-editor and I for our edited volume. (One press even offered an advance—for an edited volume!!) I could not have reached this point in the process so readily (and to be honest, following your advice, it felt easy) without your guidance. Thank you so much!”
NOTE: This is a four week course, meeting: March 19, March 26, April 2, and April 9
More information on free resources for Cornell graduate students