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Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom Begins

June 1, 2022

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Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom logo with images of faculty over a Cornell campus image

Running from June 1-30, Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom is a 4-week, asynchronous online course designed for Cornell instructors, that gives you an opportunity to explore strategies for inclusive course design, social identity and self-reflection, and pedagogical practices to effectively support student engagement and a sense of belonging across difference.

Register for Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom

Those interested may pair it with:

This is a five-week online program that runs concurrently with Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom. Participants meet weekly via Zoom to discuss how to create and sustain inclusive learning environments. Identify practical, evidence-based strategies appropriate for your discipline and future teaching plans. This program is a collaboration between the Center for Teaching Innovation and the Graduate School’s Future Faculty and Academic Careers office.