- No events scheduled for October 15, 2023.
- No events scheduled for October 16, 2023.
- No events scheduled for October 17, 2023.
- No events scheduled for October 18, 2023.
- No events scheduled for October 19, 2023.
Week of Events
Intro to Teaching Intensive Institutions
Intro to Teaching Intensive Institutions
At invitation of our CIRTL Network colleagues from UMass Amherst, we are excited to share information about a virtual Teaching at Teaching Intensive Institutions conference on October 20, 2023. Registration for all graduate students, postdocs, and recent graduate alumni is now open! The day features two panels: the first features senior faculty and administrators talking about what…
Teaching Intensive Institutions: Tips for the Early Years
Teaching Intensive Institutions: Tips for the Early Years
At invitation of our CIRTL Network colleagues from UMass Amherst, we are excited to share information about a virtual Teaching at Teaching Intensive Institutions conference on October 20, 2023. Registration for all graduate students, postdocs, and recent graduate alumni is now open! The day features two panels: the first features senior faculty and administrators talking about what…
Public Communication of Science Panel
Public Communication of Science Panel
Join a panel of speakers to be inspired about how as a graduate student or postdoc you could take advantage of opportunities to engage in communication of your research, science in general, and best of all, share your passion with public audiences! Q&A and informal discussion will follow. Learn about the wide range of opportunities…