
Future Faculty and Academic Careers, formerly CIRTL at Cornell, is a collaborative effort housed in the Graduate School Office of Career and Professional Development, with partnership from faculty, staff, and student advisors.
Leadership for CIRTL Network Participation
Kathryn Boor, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Professor of Food Science. Institutional Leader for Cornell participation in CIRTL
Colleen McLinn, Associate Dean for Professional Development, Graduate School. Administrative Co-Leader for Cornell participation in CIRTL
Derina Samuel, Associate Director of Graduate Student Development and the International Teaching Assistant Program, Center for Teaching Innovation. Administrative Co-Leader for Cornell participation in CIRTL
Sarah Day, Program Manager for Professional Development
Contact Information:
Future Faculty and Academic Careers
Office of Career and Professional Development
Cornell University Graduate School
143 Caldwell Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: 607-255-2030