CIRTL Network Institutes

Fall 2024

Save the date – the next CIRTL Network Forum for Graduate Students, Postdocs, and university faculty and staff is scheduled for October 2024 in Atlanta.

Summer 2024

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute (In Person) May 29-31, 2024

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute (Online) June 10-14, 2024

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute is a multi-day in-person teaching institute designed to help doctoral students and post-docs become successful and confident classroom teachers. The in-person version of this institute meets on the Johns Hopkins campus in Baltimore, MD. Space limited, now full.

Summer 2023

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute (In-Person) May 31-June 2, 2023

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute (Online) June 6-9, 2023

Learn common themes and challenges of teaching in higher ed during this in-person multi-day institute. Each institute has a limited number of seats reserved for CIRTL participants from outside of Johns Hopkins University (10-15). Registration opens on May 15 and will take place first-come, first served until these seats are filled.

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Academy offers this teaching institute to doctoral students and post-docs to advance the development of university-level educators by enhancing classroom teaching skills. The institute will be packed with information, experiences, tools, and resources. It is our hope that participants will benefit from getting to know one another and working together in a learning community comprised of fellow future faculty preparing for their initial teaching assignments.