CIRTL Workshops

Two students looking at a laptop screen

CIRTL workshops offer the opportunity to engage with faculty, staff, and students at other universities around a specific topic, without the time commitment of a course. Workshops typically involve some pre- and post-session work. Space is limited and advanced registration is required to attend these online workshops from the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network.

Each workshop opens for registration at the start of the term (fall, spring, or summer), and closes when it reaches capacity. Some workshops may also have specific audiences. As a participant from a CIRTL Network member institution, your registration receives priority for any programs that are offered (as long as spots are available).

Current Workshops

Visit the CIRTL Network website for the latest information about upcoming workshops. Contact with questions or to borrow equipment such as webcams and headphones.

Fall 2024

Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview (September 30)

As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this one-session online workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into your teaching demo with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. Meets in Zoom on Thursday, October 17 at 12:30-2:00pm ET. Cap: 50; registration opens on Monday, September 30 and will close once capacity is reached.

Overcoming Imposter Phenomena and Building Resiliency as Graduate Students (October 10)

Find new ways to build your own resiliency in academia in this one-part online workshop guiding participants through a new framework that builds upon research on imposter phenomena, adapting to change, and building resiliency. Meets in Zoom on Thursday, October 10 at 11am-12:30pm ET. No cap; registration opens Monday, September 23.

A Student-Centered Approach for Reducing Plagiarism (October 21 and 28)

Consider how student-centered, accessible, and contextual course design can reduce students’ propensity to cheat and improve learning for all. This two-part online workshop meets in Zoom on Mondays, October 21 and October 28 at 11:30am-1:00pm ET. No cap; registration opens Monday, September 23.

Fostering a Growth Mindset and Developing a Sense of Belonging in Your Students (October 24)

Learn from social and educational psychology in this one-part online workshop on how instructors can foster growth mindsets in their students, and how that in turn can foster greater student motivation, achievement, and belonging. Meets in Zoom on Thursday, October 24 at 11:00am-1:00pm ET. No cap; registration opens Monday, September 30.

Creating Effective and Inclusive Learning Experiences for Neurodiverse Students (TBD)

Learn about neurodiversity in teaching and learning and develop strategies to create an effective and inclusive learning environment in this one-part online workshop. No previous experience with neurodiversity is necessary. Cap: 80; schedule and registration TBD.

Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement (TBD)

Draft a peer-reviewed teaching philosophy statement that reflects your teaching beliefs and experiences in this two-part workshop. Cap: 50; to meet high demand, we will offer this workshop twice. Schedules and registration TBD.

Recent Workshops

Summer 2024

Moving Forward Together: The interdependence of instructor and student motivation (June 11)

Explore trauma-informed strategies that motivate learning and teaching, and reflect on the interdependence of student and teacher well-being as you refine your teaching philosophy in this one-part online workshop. Meets on June 11 from 12:00-4:00pm ET. No cap; registration opens Monday, May 20.

Quick Take: How to plan a single class session (June 27)

Get an overview of key lesson-planning topics – like backwards design, learning objectives, assessment, and more – in this one-part online workshop designed for grad students and postdocs who have had some teaching or TAing experience. Meets on June 27 from 12:00-1:30pm ET. Cap: 50 participants; registration opens Monday, June 3.

Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview (July 10)

As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this one-part online workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into your teaching demo with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. This workshop meets online in Zoom on July 10 from 12:00-1:15pm ET. Cap: 50 participants; registration opens June 17.

Navigating the Academic Hand-off: Graduate students & postdocs as scientific trainers (July 31)

Passing down scientific knowledge is a common but often overlooked part of work for advanced graduate students responsible for training junior colleagues just starting in their graduate programs. Explore the challenges of this part of your work in this one-part online workshop about identifying complex but fundamental concepts in your academic work and developing training procedures around them. Meets on July 31 from 1:00-2:30pm ET. Cap: 40 (capacity now reached and registration closed as of July 9).

Spring 2024

Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview

As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this one-session workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into your teaching demo with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. This workshop meets online in Zoom on Wednesday, January 31 at 1-2:30pm ET. No cap.

Caring for Yourself as an Instructor: Applying rest in the classroom

Develop strategies for self-care as an instructor in this one-part workshop. Working off of Tricia Hersey’s (2022) Rest is Resistance framework, we will explore Hersey’s “Rest” component to identify tools for self-care, rest, and protection as an instructor existing and working in academic spaces. This workshop is intended for participants who hold minoritized identities. This workshop meets online in Zoom on Thursday, February 8 at 11AM-12:30pm ET. Registration opens Monday, January 8 and closes when capacity is reached. Cap: 15.

Re-Imagining Data: Using arts-based methods for new perspectives in research, teaching and learning

Explore the creative potential of new ways of reading and analyzing text in this two-part workshop on arts-based research (ABR). Through the ABR approach of “poetic inquiry,” participants will learn new methods for reading, assessing, and analyzing journal articles, research, and other written materials in a variety of scientific disciplines. The workshop meets online in Zoom on Mondays, March 11 and March 25 at 12-1:30pm ET. Registration opens Monday, February 5 and closes when capacity is reached. Cap: 40.

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