CIRTL Network Fall 2024 Programming Preview

~ Excerpted from a July 3, 2024 CIRTL Network Announcement ~

Cornell University is an institutional member of the North American Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (or CIRTL) Network. CIRTL provides a variety of online programming designed to help aspiring faculty learn how to teach effectively and inclusively, and how to prepare for and navigate the academic job market. This fall, CIRTL is offering 2 online courses and 6 online workshops designed for graduate students and postdocs pursuing teaching careers in higher education. Fall programming is topically focused around evidence-based teaching fundamentals, student belonging, and academic professional development. All programming includes synchronous online sessions that take place in Zoom, unless otherwise mentioned.

We will announce programming schedules and registration dates in early August. Anyone can register to attend programming, but participants from CIRTL member institutions and alumni will receive priority when registering for programming with limited seats; capped programming typically reaches capacity within a week of registration opening. Please indicate your Cornell affiliation at registration. Learn more about our membership in CIRTL


Sept. 24 – Dec. 10 | The College Classroom

Get an introduction to key learning principles and the basics of effective, evidence-based teaching practices in this 12-week course about teaching in the college classroom. This course meets online in Zoom on Tuesdays, September 24 through December 10, at 2-3:30PM Eastern. Cap: 100; registration opens Monday, September 9.

Sept. 1 onwards | An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching

Get an overview of effective college teaching strategies and the research that supports them in this 8-part asynchronous course designed for graduate students and postdocs in STEM disciplines. Created in 2015 as a cohort-based course, the CIRTL Network will be re-launching this course this fall as a self-paced online course. No cap; registration opens Sunday, September 1.


Evidence-based teaching fundamentals

October 21 and 28 | A Student-Centered Approach for Reducing Plagiarism

Consider how student-centered, accessible, and contextual course design can reduce students’ propensity to cheat and improve learning for all. This two-part workshop meets online in Zoom on Mondays, October 21 and October 28 at 11:30am-1:00pm Eastern. No cap; registration opens Monday, September 23.

Student belonging

October 24 | Fostering a Growth Mindset and Developing a Sense of Belonging in Your Students

Learn from social and educational psychology in this one-part workshop on how instructors can foster growth mindsets in their students, and how that in turn can foster greater student motivation, achievement, and belonging. This online workshop meets in Zoom on Thursday, October 24 at 11:00am-1:00pm Eastern. No cap; registration opens Monday, September 30.

TBD | Creating Effective and Inclusive Learning Experiences for Neurodiverse Students

Learn about neurodiversity in teaching and learning and develop strategies to create an effective and inclusive learning environment in this one-part workshop. No previous experience with neurodiversity is necessary. Cap: 80; schedule and registration TBD.

Academic professional development

TBD | Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement

Draft a peer-reviewed teaching philosophy statement that reflects your teaching beliefs and experiences in this two-part workshop. Cap: 50; to meet high demand, we will offer this workshop twice. Schedules and registration TBD.

October 10 | Overcoming Imposter Phenomena and Building Resiliency as Graduate Students

Find new ways to build your own resiliency in academia in this one-part workshop guiding participants through a new framework that builds upon research on imposter phenomena, adapting to change, and building resiliency.  This online workshop meets in Zoom on Thursday, October 10 at 11am-12:30pm Eastern. No cap; registration opens Monday, September 23.

October 17 | Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview

As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this one-session workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into your teaching demo with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. This online workshop meets in Zoom on Thursday, October 17 at 12:30-2:00pm Eastern. Cap: 50; registration opens on Monday, September 30 and will close once capacity is reached.

The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Network is a network of 44 universities in the US and Canada and worldwide committed to advancing inclusive, evidence-based disciplinary education. CIRTL has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation, the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For more information about the CIRTL Network, visit online at or contact at