CIRTL Network Spring 2025 Programming

Map of locations of CIRTL Network institutions listed at:

~ Excerpted from a December 4, 2024 CIRTL Network Announcement ~

Cornell University is an institutional member of the North American Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. CIRTL provides a variety of online programming designed to help aspiring faculty learn how to teach effectively and inclusively, and how to prepare for and navigate the academic job market. This spring, CIRTL is offering 4 online courses, 2 event series, 1 workshop and 1 other event for graduate students and postdocs pursuing teaching careers in higher education. Spring programming covers a range of teaching and learning topics from evidence-based teaching fundamentals to academic professional development and teaching as research. All programming includes synchronous online sessions that take place in Zoom, unless otherwise mentioned.

Anyone can register to attend programming, but participants from CIRTL member institutions and alumni will receive priority when registering for programming with limited seats; capped programming typically reaches capacity within a week of registration opening. Please indicate your Cornell affiliation at registration. Learn more about our institutional membership in CIRTL


Jan. 28 – February 25 | Research Mentor Training

Work with a community of peers to develop and improve your research mentoring skills in this 5-week seminar-style course. Students will develop their personal mentoring philosophy, learn how to articulate that philosophy across a variety of disciplines, and refine strategies for dealing with mentoring challenges. This course meets online in Zoom on Tuesdays from January 28 through February 25 from 2:30-4:00pm ET. Registration opens at noon ET on Monday, January 13 and closes when capacity is reached (typically within several days).

Jan. 30 – March 20 | Mindset to Mastery: The Inclusive Teaching Course

Examine your own identities, values, and experiences to cultivate an inclusive mindset that informs your teaching practices in this 8-week course. The course meets online in Zoom on Thursdays from January 30 to March 20 from 11:00am-12:30pm ET. Cap: 25. Registration opens at noon ET on Monday, January 13 and closes when capacity is reached (typically within several days).

Self Paced (New!) | Advancing Learning Through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching

Learn effective college-level teaching strategies that engage learners through active learning, as well as the research that supports them, in this8-part asynchronous course designed for future faculty in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math). This course builds on “An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching”; the intro course is recommended, but not required, as a prerequisite for participating in this course. No cap; registration now open.

Self Paced | An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching

Get an overview of effective college teaching strategies and the research that supports them in this 8-part asynchronous course designed for graduate students and postdocs in STEM disciplines. Created in 2015 as a cohort-based course, the CIRTL Network  re-launched this course in fall as a self-paced online course. No cap; registration now open.

Event Series

Feb 3 to April 7 | The Joyful Journey: Professional Development Series

Get a sampler of academic professional development in this 8-part event series for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars covering everything from the academic hiring process, to defining your teaching philosophy, to careers outside academia. Events meet online in Zoom on scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Registration now open; no attendance cap.

April 1-22 | Exploring Career Paths with CIRTL Alumni

Learn about different career paths in academia and beyond in conversation with CIRTL alumni in this 4-part event series. Each event in the series will focus on a different career path: teaching careers at research universities, teaching careers at teaching-intensive institutions (liberal arts colleges, community colleges, etc.), non-faculty careers in academia, and careers outside of academia. Events in this series take place on Tuesdays, April 1 through April 22, from 12:00-1:00pm ET. No cap; registration opens Monday, March 3.


March 12 | Better Teaching Through Neurodiversity: Supporting Students’ Executive Functioning

Learn how to apply the Universal Design for Learning framework to develop inclusive teaching practices that support executive functioning for all learners in this one-part workshop. Through case study exploration and brainstorming around specific teaching materials, participants will work with peers to add to their toolbox for neuroinclusive teaching. This one-session online workshop meets on Wednesday, March 12 from 2:00-4:00pm ET. Cap: 45. Registration opens at noon ET on Monday, February 24 and closes when capacity is reached (typically within several days).

Teaching as Research Event

April 9 | CIRTL Teaching as Research Presentations

Hear graduate students and postdocs from across the CIRTL Network share the results of their Teaching-as-Research (TAR) projects in this online event. In TAR projects, future faculty explore a specific question about teaching and learning, design and implement some sort of classroom-based intervention to test that question, and consider how they might adjust their teaching practices based on what the results show. TAR is a cornerstone of CIRTL’s work in developing reflective practitioners that support learning for all. This event takes place in Zoom on Wednesday, April 9 from 2:00-3:30pm ET. All are welcome to attend; registration opens Monday, January 13. Call for presenters will go out in January 2025.

The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Network is a network of 44 universities in the US and Canada and worldwide committed to advancing inclusive, evidence-based disciplinary education. CIRTL has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation, the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For more information about the CIRTL Network, visit online at or contact at