Future professors prepare to improve academia for all

Future Professors Institute organizers and all concurrent panelists for “Concurrent Panels: Establishing Your Scholarship and Research Agenda as a New Faculty Member” on June 23, 2021.
~July 26, 2021~
“At the time I began my master’s, I knew I was on the autism spectrum, but I did not have an official diagnosis,” said M. Remi Yergeau during the 2021 Future Professors Institute. “Like many college students, I had entered college without the documentation necessary to receive disability accommodations, and I didn’t understand the labyrinthine institutional structures before me.”
Yergeau, who is associate professor of digital studies and English and associate director of the Digital Studies Institute at the University of Michigan, gave the keynote presentation, titled “Un/Accommodating Structures: On Disability and Higher Education.” The talk offered insight into, and criticism of, university disability accommodations processes and proposed ways in which the system could be improved for all. […]
In addition to the keynote presentation, the Future Professors Institute featured panels on exploring institutional fit, faculty and leadership pathways at minority-serving institutions, and establishing scholarship and research agendas as new faculty members. This year, half of the panelists were Cornell Graduate School alumni. […]
The Future Professors Institute is co-sponsored by the Graduate School Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement, Future Faculty and Academic Careers, and the Office of Postdoctoral Studies with support from NSF Grant No. 1647094; CIRTL AGEP.
Read all of Future Professors Prepare to Improve Academia for All by Katya Hrichak in the Cornell Chronicle. (Published July 26, 2021)