Register now for fall CIRTL Network courses
~August 28, 2021~
Registration is open for fall courses and workshops from the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. Gain skills, knowledge, and experience to be an inclusive and effective STEM educator at the university level. Participation is free for Cornell registrants and alumni up to event registration maximums.
Right now, you can sign up for the following online programming at
- The College Classroom, a 12-week course on teaching and learning fundamentals.
- Bring an Inclusive Mindset to Your Teaching, a 1-session workshop.
- LinkedIn for Academics, a 1-session workshop.
- Teaching Citational Practice: A Critical Feminist Approach, a 2-part workshop on diversifying the scholarship we choose to teach.
- Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement, a 2-part workshop that walks you through drafting and revising your own statement.
- Exploring Careers in Teaching at a Community College, a 3-part drop-in event series.
- Research, Teaching, and Mentoring at Minority-Serving Institutions and Historically Black Colleges & Universities, a panel of faculty discussing their experiences at various MSI/HBCU institutions.
By the end of the month, registration will open for a Massive Open Online Course on STEM teaching and learning, and for a four-part event series on fostering anti-racist learning environments. Stay tuned for updates!
Cornell is a CIRTL Network institutional member through the Graduate School’s Future Faculty and Academic Careers office and in partnership with the Center for Teaching Innovation. Learn more about CIRTL online programming