Register now for summer Pathways to Success Symposium

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~May 24, 2021~ 

Announcing the Summer 2021 Pathways to Success (P2S) Symposium!

Dates: June 2 & 3, 2021


Pathways to Success (P2S) is the Graduate School’s framework for helping graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars be successful in their research and scholarship, and establish necessary skills for their future careers. The Summer P2S Symposium is a professional development opportunity for doctoral, professional degree, and research master’s students and postdoctoral scholars that will provide participants with information and tools useful for their time at Cornell and beyond. Participants may register for an individual session or all sessions offered within this three-part series.

Zoom: Complete registration for session Zoom links

Pathways to Success (P2S) Symposium Agenda

June 2, 2021, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST

Plenary Session: Executive Presence in a Virtual World

Session Summary: Virtual meetings are here to stay.  How do you put your best foot forward when you are presented to others in a 1” x 1” Zoom frame?  Learn how what you say and how you say it can impact your ability to be seen as a capable professional when recruiting for jobs, meeting with others and presenting your ideas on camera or off.  Prof. Noble-Grange will present 10 tips you can practice to present yourself better and make communication one of your strengths.

Plenary Speaker: Angela Noble Grange, Senior Lecturer of Management Communication, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University

P2S Focus Area: Build Your Skills


June 2, 2021, 1:30 – 3:00 pm EST

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity as Critical Assets

Session Summary: With a large proportion of Cornell’s postdoctoral and graduate student body hailing from other nations, it’s important to embrace the assets that this linguistic and cultural diversity brings to our campus community.

Presenter: Jonathan Rosa, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University

P2S Focus Area: Navigate Academia


June 3, 2021, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST

Thinking Flexibly about Experiential Opportunities and Skill Building

Session Summary: Doctoral career outcomes survey data reveal Cornell graduates contribute valuably in all employment sectors. Professional skills are sought by employers in addition to discipline-specific knowledge and expertise. But how to highlight these skills you already have and how to carve out time to build the ones you need? In this session you will learn how flexible experiential opportunities contribute to skills that can position you as a top candidate. We’ll explore ways you can efficiently acquire and practice these skills that will complement your research and empower you for your future.


Denise DiRienzo, Experiential Programming Director, Cornell Graduate School Careers Beyond Academia

Susi Varvayanis, Executive Director, Cornell Graduate School Careers Beyond Academia

P2S Focus Area: Develop Your Plan

Event Sponsors

The Graduate School, English Language Support Office (ELSO), Career Services, and the Office of Postdoctoral Studies.

Participating Graduate School Offices

Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement, Academic and Student Affairs, Graduate Student Life, Careers Beyond Academia, Future Faculty and Academic Careers, and the Big Red Barn.