2019 Connecting Research and Teaching Conference

Friday, May 17, 2019 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
423 ILR Conference Center
This annual one-day conference highlights and supports research into effective teaching and learning, particularly the Teaching as Research projects conducted each year by graduate students and postdocs. Research talks, posters and roundtable discussions will explore how early career scholars have used scholarly inquiry to inform and improve discipline-specific teaching practices, and also drawn upon these experiences in their own career development.
Cornell faculty, staff, graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to register to attend any parts of the day that interest them. Attendees from other institutions are also welcome to register, but responsible for their own transportation and housing.
2019 Presenter and Attendee Information
An opening plenary presentation by Discipline-Based Education Researcher Dr. Claire Meaders and a lunchtime panel discussion with an Engaged Cornell course project team will highlight how graduate students and postdocs are partnering with faculty and staff to improve student learning outcomes. Many of the presenters are Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Practitioners, CTI Graduate Teaching Fellows or faculty and postdocs engaged with university-wide Active Learning Initiative projects.
Attendee registration is kindly requested by May 16, 2019 for planning purposes. However, we will accommodate last-minute registrants and walk-ins if space permits. Presenter registrations were accepted until May 3. After this date, contact futurefaculty@cornell.edu with any questions or inquiries.
2019 Agenda
9:00am Breakfast and networking, poster preview
9:30am Welcome remarks
9:45am Invited Plenary Talk: How can we use student data to inform teaching practices?
- Presenter: Claire Meaders, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
10:30am Research talks I
Featuring 10-minute presentations by CIRTL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Practitioners and CTI Graduate Teaching Fellows
- Walking the walk, talking the talk: Kinetic learning and the ambulatory classroom
- Gender differences in student participation in an active learning classroom
…and more
11:40am Lightning talks
Featuring 5-minute presentations by Active Learning Initiative researchers
- Helping students be successful in calculus
…and more
12:00pm Lunch and panel discussion: Collaboration, service learning, and Teaching as Research in course project reflections
- Panelists: Josh Cerra, Landscape Architecture, Christine Georgakakos, Biological and Environmental Engineering; M. Todd Walter, Biological and Environmental Engineering (Project Team for an Engaged Curriculum Grant with Shorna B. Allred and Kimberly Williams)
1:00pm Roundtable presentations
Featuring 20-minute discussions facilitated by Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) Graduate Teaching Fellows and Active Learning Initiative researchers
- Teaching students how to critically read primary literature
- Mentoring undergraduate researchers
…and more
2:00pm Research talks II
Featuring 10-minute presentations by CIRTL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Practitioners and CTI Graduate Teaching Fellows
- Inquiry in oral communication
- Teaching written argumentation in the ecological sciences: A case study
…and more
2:30pm Poster session and resource fair
Featuring presentations by Active Learning Initiative researchers
- How expectations of confirmation influence students’ experimentation decisions in introductory physics labs
- Demographic effects that come up when using virtual reality as a teaching tool in physics and astronomy
…and more.
2019 Sponsorship and Acknowledgements
This event is sponsored by CIRTL at Cornell (Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning) in the Cornell University Graduate School, in collaboration with other campus partners.
We are particularly grateful to the following individuals for their guidance of research projects and assistance with presenter recruitment:
Carolyn Aslan and Derina Samuel, Center for Teaching Innovation; Natasha Holmes, Physics; Mark Sarvary, Investigative Biology; Michelle Smith, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; and Kimberly Williams, CIRTL at Cornell.
Contacts: Kimberly Williams (kw299) and Colleen McLinn, Future Faculty and Academic Careers: futurefaculty@cornell.edu